Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Who Should Get a Graduation Announcement

Different degrees take different amounts of time to complete, which means it can be hard for your friends and family to keep track of just when youll be receiving your diploma. Sending graduation announcements can be a fun and exciting way to let everyone know you finally reached your goal and will soon be an official college graduate. But who exactly is everyone? After all, there are only so many announcements you can buy, address, and stamp.   While family and friends are a good place to start, remember that there is no official right or wrong list: only the right or wrong list for your particular situation. Immediate Family Members For some students, parents and siblings are their primary support network during their time in school. And even though parents and siblings may know the date and time of your graduation ceremony, make sure they receive an official announcement so that they have something tangible to mark and commemorate this important occasion. Extended Family Grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins whom you may not see every day, but who are a part of your life, will be excited to receive your graduation announcement. Even if they are too far away to attend the actual ceremony, theyll want to know the details and see the official announcement. If there are people beyond blood relatives you consider family, you might want to add those important people to your graduation announcement list as well. Childhood Friends Clearly, you dont need to send announcements to your friends on campus, but close friends from your pre-college days or those who live far away might want to see your announcement and send you a congratulatory text message. Important Teachers, Religious Leaders, and Mentors Did you have a high school teacher who really made a difference in your life? A pastor or spiritual leader who helped encourage you along the way? Or perhaps a family friend who mentored you and helped you to get to where you are today? Sending an announcement to these important people is a great way to acknowledge all they did as well as show them how much their influence really made a difference in your life. Graduation Announcements vs. Invitations A graduation invitation is an invite to the ceremony held by your school. On the other hand, a graduation announcement provides details about your degree and achievement, without inviting recipients to the ceremony. Most colleges limit the number of people students can bring to the ceremony, so graduation announcements serve the purpose of keeping your extended family informed without extending a specific invitation. If you are hosting your own graduation party separate from the ceremony, you can include party details in your graduation announcement. While many students receive gifts from friends and relatives for their graduation, the proper etiquette is to include a line in your announcement stating that presents are not required.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

The United States Police Force - 1737 Words

The United States police force has become increasingly militarized over the last fifty years due to a reliance on the military for political and economic strength and in response to the introduction of serious domestic threats, such as drug and terrorism (Brown 658-659). This militarization has become a serious issue with many Americans over the last decade because of the injuries and deaths of citizens due to the use of excessive force and misconduct by police officers that have access to military equipment. One group, comprised primarily of conservatives, believes that the United States has a duty to provide the local police force with this equipment so that they can effectively apprehend criminals and protect themselves from harm while defending the nation from domestic threats (Taub). This belief stems from the militarization advocates valuation of their protection from criminal drug activity and terroristic attacks over the loss of some civil liberties. The opposing party co nsists primarily of liberals and social advocacy groups, but is beginning to include some Republicans, such as Senator Paul Rand. This group believes that, due to a lack of basic training (Ritchie), current protocols are not only dangerous, but ineffective, and that they stray from the fundamental duties of domestic law enforcement. These reformists value their civil liberties and protection from police brutality over their safety related to internal threats. These two factions conflictingShow MoreRelatedThe Police Force And The United States852 Words   |  4 Pagesfacility s in the united states and in England there are vast differences and some similarities within each of our systems. When it comes to police, prisons, and other facility s there are vast amounts of things that are done in each system that we can learn form each other and things that should be taken away. Some of the differences are very noticeable, with each police force that are on the street you can see at first glance what weapons they carry and that is that English police don t carryRead MoreThe Modern Police Force Of The United States983 Words   |  4 PagesResearch: Police Officers â€Å"The modern police force not only provided an organized, centralized body of men legally authorized to use force to maintain order, it also provided the illusion that this order was being maintained under the rule of law, not at the whim of those with economic power,† argues Dr. Gary Potter, author of The History of Policing in the United States, Part 2 published in 2013. Police Officers wanted to maintain peace, low crimes, and violence throughout their communities.Read MoreIs The United States The Worlds Police Force?1049 Words   |  5 PagesIs the United States the worlds Police Force? Let’s say you’re out walking around the mall with some friends and someone sucker punches your best friend from behind. What do you do? They didn’t hit you, so it’s not your business, is it? You shouldn’t interfere seeing as it clearly has nothing to do with you†¦ Or does it, because they’re your best friend? On a much larger scale, this idea or scenario brings up a question; does the U.S. have a right, as a superpower or as a sovereign nation, to getRead MorePolice Force Against Citizens During The United States Essay1519 Words   |  7 Pagesis the number of people killed by police officers in 2015 in the United States, which is more than double the deaths reported annually over the past decade (The Washington Post). That number given is a total count of deaths under any circumstance of the fatality. Police force against citizens has become more and more aggressive each year, all though some of the force is needed for the situation , hundreds of people each year get killed by police that use force that is not necessary. The FBI didRead MorePolice Brutality And Corruption Of Public Order1718 Words   |  7 PagesPolice is defined as â€Å"the civil force of a national or local government, responsible for the prevention and detection of crime and the maintenance of public order† . When these powers are abused and unnecessary force is used for corrupt purpose outside of their duty it is considered police brutality. While police brutality may seem only rampant in the United States, it effects Russians equally. The question is why are the police in these two countries so powerful that they can go against their dutyRead MorePolice History711 Words   |  3 PagesPolice History Gamaliel Diaz- Maldonado University of Phoenix Introduction To Police Theories And Practice (CJA/214) April 11, 2013 Police history The United States and Puerto Rico have a fast growing society. This Society with a different points of view and social class who divide the people and his positions in our community. Analyzing the situation in deferent’s point of views we always see a common merge to make the real situation work out for us and the persons who surrounds us. ForRead MorePolice Force And Its Components1350 Words   |  6 Pages Peruvian Police Force and Its Components: A Study Yvette Nicola Police Administration- Theory and Practice November 12, 2015 Dr. Siyu Liu New Jersey City University When it comes to the topic of policing, countries have different laws and regulations for the police force. Tactics also differ which allow each police force to be unique and distinct from others. In the presentation covered, Peru’s police force was examined. Topics that were discussed include the history and demographicsRead MorePolice Brutality And The United States1479 Words   |  6 Pages Police Brutality in the United States University of Nebraska Kearney Colton Blankenship Abstract This research paper is an overview of police brutality in the United States. The paper covers what police brutality is and the definition. The information about police brutality is expanded about what is reasonable and excessive use of force an officer can use. Information is included about the thoughts of what the citizens feel about police brutality. Among the whiteRead MorePolice Brutality1263 Words   |  6 Pagesï » ¿Police Brutality Did you know that Police brutality is the intentional use of excessive force, usually physical, but potentially also in the form of verbal attacks and psychological intimidation, by a police officer? Despite major improvements in police practices (since 1981) reports of alleged police misconduct and abuse continue to spread through the nation. Police Brutality still goes on around the world today with improvements of enforcing police brutality in police departments. There haveRead MoreCultural Considerations1618 Words   |  7 Pagesprinciples, and how they coincide within today’s police forces. The military employment across the countries in the Middle East and Europe has brought police forces into question. The local police forces have their own way of training that is similar to the military training. The military is helping individuals that are being abused by the hands of the police. In most of these cases where military law is present and security is more existing the police appear to be more on the military side than working

Monday, December 9, 2019

Classical Civilizations free essay sample

Between 100 CE and 600 CE, the Roman empire underwent a change in government as the empire collapsed due to corruption within. Also, the influence of Christianity increased greatly. However, the â€Å"Eastern Roman Empire†, the Byzantines, kept the culture going. Clearly, the most important change that the Roman Empire experienced in the late classical era was its collapse. But, this phenomenon was one that the other great powers of the age, Han China and Gupta India, also grappled with as each saw their reign come to an end in the waning years of the classical period. In the year 100 CE, the Mediterranean basin, and most of Europe, was in the midst of the Pax Romana, a time of relative peace and prosperity for the Roman Empire. After 180 CE, the Rome’s decline was visible as ineffective leadership and outside invasions end the empire’s golden age. Rome’s leadership increasingly suffered from confusion of leadership as succession problems and intervention by army in political affairs destabilized the government. This lack of strong leadership quickened Rome’s collapse as many other mounting factors limited its ability to prosper, but without effective leadership, they could not be clearly addressed. As the size of the Roman Empire and its institutions grew, taxes levied on the peasants grew more burdensome and crushed the lower classes. Free peasants often fled these financial hardships by selling their land and becoming enserfed tenants of the land. With cumbersome and chaotic leadership limiting the economic effectiveness of the realm, tax revenues declined and brought additional strain to the Roman Empire. Germanic soldiers were increasingly used to guard the frontiers of the empire. This expense and the migration pattern that this influx created was the final blow to the empire in decline. Germanic peoples helped spread plagues leading to population decreases, and some Germanic groups seized on the opportunity to attack Rome. Finally, in 476, Rome was sacked, and the Roman Empire was ended. This spiraling decline and fall of the Roman Empire was likely the result of it expanding its territory too widely thus creating financial burden and elevating the power of the army as â€Å"king-maker† over weakening imperial leadership. Another important change to the Roman Empire during the late classical period was the growing influence of Christianity. The spreading popularity of religion in the Roman Empire was a trend matched by the spread of Buddhism in China during the decline of the Han dynasty. In 100 CE, the vast majority of Romans still subscribed to the polytheistic mythology that they adapted earlier from the Greeks, despite being years after the death of Jesus. Facing frequent persecution, Christianity attracted many poor Romans because of its emphasis on leading a simple life and the equality of believers. These teachings garnered the faith a small but important group of practitioners that gradually expanded as conditions in the empire deteriorated. Unable to quash the start-up religion, finally in the 4th century, Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. Now with official favor, Christianity spread more easily. Representing perhaps ten percent of the population prior to Constantine’s conversion, Christianity grew in popularity, and Christian symbols and hierarchy were increasingly used by state officials. After the fall of Rome, the organization of the Christian church, which mirrored the imperial government, often provided stability for people in a time of political chaos. This organization and stability provided yet another means for Christianity to earn converts. Christianity’s growing importance in the Mediterranean basin and Europe is likely the result of the emotional connection that the religion provided in the face of political turmoil that the sterile Roman mythology was not able to offer. To the east of Rome, the empire survived and continued, in the form of the Byzantines, uninterrupted for nearly a thousand years after Rome’s fall. Although the Gupta empire declined, Indian culture continued largely unchanged despite political transitions, much the Byzantines. At the beginning of the period, Rome was a land ruled by an emperor with a strong legal tradition and commercial economy, and the Byzantines shared many of the characteristics with its Roman predecessor. In the 6th century, Emperor Justinian led a number of conquests in an attempt to capture the former lands of the united Roman Empire. This quest to recapture the lands is a testament to the continuity that existed between Byzantine’s and the former Roman Empire. Additionally, Justinian codified and simplified many former Roman legal codes in order to aid in the administration of the government. Not only did the Eastern Roman Empire continue the legal traditions of Rome, but economically, the Eastern Roman Empire (Byzantium) remained a commercial center as it dominated much of the silk and spice trade in the Mediterranean Sea much like its predecessor brokered the exchange of goods between Asia and Europe or between regions around the Mediterranean. The Byzantine’s represent one of the clearest continuations of classical traditions in the later postclassical era as a Roman emperor sat on a throne in the eastern capitol of Constantinople. Because civilization was more deeply entrenched in the eastern Mediterranean and the East faced less pressure from invasion, Constantinople was never sacked and the Eastern Roman Empire was never conquered. Although the Roman Empire seemed to face many dramatic changes in the fall of Rome and influx of Christianity, the stability of the Eastern Roman Empire carried the mantle of Roman traditions throughout the period.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Symptoms Of Autism Essay Example For Students

Symptoms Of Autism Essay Autism Throughout the years the diagnosis of autism has changed dramatically. Once, it was mistakenly diagnosed as childhood schizophrenia. Now that much more extensive research has been done, researchers have found distinct characteristics that are typical of autistic individuals. It is most often characterized by difficulty in the childs ability to respond to people, events, and objects. Responses to sensations of light, sound, and feeling may be exaggerated. Delayed speech and language may be associated. Other characteristics include: impairment in ability to make peer friendships, absence of imaginative activity, stereotyped body movements, persistent preoccupation with parts of objects, marked distress over changes in trivial aspects of the environment, unreasonable insistence on following routines in precise detail, a restricted range of interests and a preoccupation with one narrow interest, along with many others. We will write a custom essay on Symptoms Of Autism specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Although certain characteristics are typical of autistic children, the diagnosis is a multidisciplinary effort. The diagnosis requires a team of professionals because of the many unique characteristics and behaviors of the autistic child Each professional is assigned a different behavior to monitor. However, the psychiatrist and the psychologist are mainly responsible for the diagnosis and the psychological evaluations involved. The onset of this condition is usually observed within the first two and a half years. In 1968, the APA referred to autism as a single disorder, and now it is known to be a syndrome of behavioral and medical effects. Along with autism, several related disorders are grouped under Pervasive Developmental Disorders, PDD, a general category which is characterized by severe and pervasive impairment in several areas of development. The standard reference is known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, DSM, which is now in its fourth edition. The DSM classifies t he different types of PDD which are often mistaken as autism. The other PDD are Aspergers Disorder, Retts Disorder, Childhood Disintegrative Disorder, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder-Not Otherwise Specified, PDD-NOS, which is commonly referred to as atypical autism. The term autistic spectrum disorder is frequently used to acknowledge the diversity and severity of autism . The characteristics and symptoms of autism can present themselves in a wide variety of combinations. There is no standard type and no such thing as a typical person with autism. The most commonly used terms to describe people with autism are: autistic-like, autistic tendencies, autistic spectrum, high functioning, or low functioning, and more-abled or less-abled. Autistic disorder is also know as Infantile Autism or Kanners Syndrome. Most children with this condition exhibit poor social skills, and impaired cognitive functioning and language. What is it that causes this national crisis, affecting over 400,000 families, and costing the nation over 13 billion dollars. Autism is the third most common developmental disorder, more common than Down Syndrome, multiple sclerosis, or cystic fibrosis, and autism research still receives less than 5% of the funding of the other diseases. With the lack of funding, researchers from all over the world are spending a considerable amount of time and energy trying to find answers. A single specific cause of autism is still not known. The most current research links autism to neurological or biological differences in the brain, and in many families a pattern of autism or autism related disabilities appears. This could suggest that autism has a genetic basis, although no specific gene has been directly linked to autism. Researchers believe that a genetic basis would be highly complex, involving a combination of several genes. Direct causes have not been discovered, but several theories has been proven false. Autism is not a mental disorder, children with autism are not unruly kids who choose not to behave. Autism is not caused by bad parenting, and no known psychological factors in child development have been proven to cause autism. Children with autism begin to show signs of this disease at around the age of two. This is when parents may notice delays in language, play, or social interaction. One of the many problems autistic children have is with social detachment and unresponsiveness. Autistic babies do not smile at there parents or reach out to be cuddled or picked up. They often do not play with other children, appearing to be in there their own world, unaware of people or events around them. Many children