Monday, January 27, 2020

Applications Of Electrostatics Analysis Engineering Essay

Applications Of Electrostatics Analysis Engineering Essay The practical application of electrostatics is represented by such devices as lightning rods and electrostatic precipitators and by such processes as xerography and the painting of automobiles. Scientific devices based on the principles of electrostatics include electrostatic generators, the field-ion microscope, and ion-drive rocket engines. There are many applications of electrostatics:- 1).Van de graff generator. 2).The electrostatic precipitator. 3).Xerography and Laser Printers. 4).Electron Gun for 6-18 GHz,20 W Helix-TWT Amplifier. 5).CST particle studio simulation of a Depressed Collector. 6).Electrostatic Simulation of a medical X-Ray device. 7).Electrostatic Simulation of a High Voltage Bushing. 8).MEMS Comb Sensor. 9).Consistent charged Particle Simulation of a Pierce Gun. The brief explanation of above applications is given below:- The Van de Graaff Generator Experimental results show that when a charged conductor is placed in contact with the inside of a hollow conductor, all of the charge on the charged conductor is transferred to the hollow conductor. In principle, the charge on the hollow conductor and its electric potential can be increased without limit by repetition of the process. In 1929 Robert J. Van de Graaff (1901-1967) used this principle to design and build an electrostatic generator. This type of generator is used extensively in nuclear physics research. A schematic representation of the generator. Charge is delivered continuously to a high-potential electrode by means of a moving belt of insulating material. The high-voltage electrode is a hollow metal dome mounted on an insulating column. The belt is charged at point A by means of a corona discharge between comb-like metallic needles and a grounded grid. The needles are maintained at a positive electric potential of typically 104 V. The positive charge on the moving belt is transferred to the dome by a second comb of needles at point B. Because the electric field inside the dome is negligible, the positive charge on the belt is easily transferred to the conductor regardless of its potential. In practice, it is possible to increase the electric potential of the dome until electrical discharge occurs through th Because the breakdown electric field in air is about 3000000 V/m, a negatively charged oil droplet in sphere 1 m in radius can be raised to a maximum potential of 3 % 106 V. T he potential can be increased further by increasing the radius of the dome and by placing the entire system in a container filled with high-pressure gas. Van de Graaff generators can produce potential differences as large as 20 million volts. Protons accelerated through such large potential differences receive enough energy to initiate nuclear reactions between themselves and various target nuclei. Smaller generators are often seen in science classrooms and museums. If a person insulated from the ground touches the sphere of a Van de Graaff generator, his or her body can be brought to a high electric potential. The person hair acquires a net positive charge, and each strand is repelled by all the others. Van De Graaff Generator The Electrostatic Precipitator One important application of electrical discharge in gases is the electrostatic precipitator. This device removes particulate matter from combustion gases, thereby reducing air pollution. Precipitators are especially useful in coal-burning power plants and in industrial operations that generate large quantities of smoke. Current systems are able to eliminate more than 99% of the ash from smoke. A high potential difference (typically 40 to 100 kV) is maintained between a wire running down the center of a duct and the walls of the duct, which are grounded. The wire is maintained at a negative electric potential with respect to the walls, so the electric field is directed toward the wire. The values of the field near the wire become high enough to cause a corona discharge around the wire; the air near the wire contains positive ions, electrons, and such negative ions as oxide ions. The air to be cleaned enters the duct and moves near the wire. As the electrons and negative ions created by the discharge are accelerated toward the outer wall by the electric field, the dirt particles in the air become charged by collisions and ion capture. Because most of the charged dirt particles are negative, they too are drawn to the duct walls by the electric field. When the duct is periodically shaken, the particles break loose and are collected at the bottom. In addition to reducing the level of particulate matter in the atmosphere the electrostatic precipitator recovers valuable materials in the form of metal oxides. Electrostatic Precipitator Xerography and Laser Printers The basic idea of xerography5 was developed by Chester Carlson, who was granted a patent for the xerographic process in 1940. The unique feature of this process is the use of a photoconductive material to form an image. (A photoconductor is a material that is a poor electrical conductor in the dark but becomes a good electrical conductor when exposed to light.) The xerographic process is illustrated in Figure 25.31a to d. First, the surface of a plate or drum that has been coated with a thin film of photoconductive material (usually selenium or some compound of selenium) is given a positive electrostatic charge in the dark. An image of the page to be copied is then focused by a lens onto the charged surface. The photoconducting surface becomes conducting only in areas where light strikes it. In these areas, the light produces charge carriers in the photoconductor that move the positive charge off the drum. However, positive charges remain on those areas of the photoconductor not exposed to light, leaving a latent image of the object in the form of a positive surface charge distribution. Next, a negatively charged powder called a toner is dusted onto the photoconducting surface. The charged powder adheres only to those areas of the surface that contain the positively charged image. At this point, the image becomes visible. The toner (and hence the image) is then transferred to the surface of a sheet of positively charged paper. Finally, the toner is fixed to the surface of the paper as the toner melts while passing through high-temperature rollers. This results in a permanent copy of the original. A laser printer operates by the same principle, with the exception that a computer-directed laser beam is used to illuminate the photoconductor instead of a lens. Xerography Laser Printer ELECTRON GUN FOR 6-18GHz,20 W Helix-TWT Amplifier Electron guns are the starting point of every charged particle application. There the DC energy is translated into an extracted beam which later on interacts with all kinds of RF structures. The design and analysis of an electron gun can be performed with the tracking code of CST PARTICLE STUDIO. Schematic of an electron tube The electron gun has to provide the slow wave structure with a beam, which then interacts with the electromagnetic wave existing in the structure and finally is  collected in the collector. In order to enable the interaction, the particles velocity has to match the EM-waves velocity on the circuit. The necessary velocity determines the voltage to be applied. The electron gun then has to be designed in a way, that the emitted current is maximized. The relevant parts for the Electrostatic (Es) simulation are the cathode, focussing electrode and anode  (left). Important for the Magnetostatic (Ms) simulation are the iron yoke and permanent magnets. The potentials and permanent magnets serve as sources for the Es and Ms solver of CST EMS (here run from CST PS) respectively. The iron yoke is considered as non linear material, where the working point is obtained by a non linear iteration scheme in the  Ms solver.   CST PARTICLE STUDIOHYPERLINKà ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢+Simulation+of+a+Depressed+Collector Simulation of a Depressed Collector CST PS simulation of a depressed collector. A multi-stage depressed collector for the Rijnhuizen Fusion Free-Electron Maser (FEM) is simulated with CST RTICLE STUDIO. The results are reproduced with permission of Pulsar Physics. See also M.J. de Loos, S.B. van der Geer, Pulsar Physics, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B, Vol 139, 1997. CST PARTICLE STUDIO(CST PS) is dedicated to simulating charged particles travelling through electromagnetic fields. To accomplish this task, CST PS requires fields from other CST STUDIO SUITE 3D EM solvers, particularly CST EM STUDIO and CST MICROWAVE STUDIO, as input. CST PS tracks charged particles through this fields, considering relativistic effect, space charge and secondary emission, delivering particle trajectories, phase space distribution, remitances. Electrostatic Simulation of a medical X-Ray device   Electric Field Distribution in the X-Ray Device CST EM STUDIOs Electrostatic Solver can be used to establish electric breakdown fields in X-Ray devices. A STEP model of the device was imported via CST EMSs comprehensive CAD Interface. The main goal of the simulation is to determine the maximum field strength in the model. The design of the housing for the X-Ray tube  can then be optimised to reduce the potential of arcing. Results may be post-processed in terms of field values at specific points, along curves or on material surfaces. . The field was plotted on a central cut-plane using a logarithmic scaling to aid visualisation. Maximum field values in the  model may be extracted automatically in the post-processor. Electrostatic Simulation of a High Voltage Bushing   Cross-sectional View of the Transformer Bushing The above figure shows the  construction of the  bushing  comprising a central  conductor,  a ceramic insulator,   and a housing  containing the transformer oil. The structure was created using the powerful modeling tools in CST EM STUDIO  . The bushing was created by sweeping over 360 degrees a curved profile. To complete the bushing geometry, the blend tool can be applied to round off the bushing edges. The permittivity of the ceramic  has been  set to 1000 with an epsilon of 2.9 for the oil. The housing and the central conductor were both defined as perfect electric conductors (PEC). Symmetry is exploited via the use of tangential symmetry conditions and an open boundary has been applied to reduce the simulation domain MEMS Comb Sensor Potential and electric field for the rectangular and triangular comb tip The design process of the comb sensor starts with a shape optimization in CST EMS. Here two different shapes are modeled and compared.   Therefore, by using parameters a true shape  optimisation of the force can be  performed. After the calculation of fields the forces can be determined as a post processing step. Using appropriate boundary conditions, the  single combs are assumed to be part of an infinite array.  Due to  its special shape the triangular comb tip has a 14% higher attracting force. Consistent Charged Particle Simulation of a Pierce Gun The pierce type gun example demonstrates the analysis of an electrically   large gun configuration. The acceleration of the electrons takes place in only a small part of the computational domain, nearly 90% of the gun consists of a drift-tube.   The electric field is established by the cathode, which acts  at the same  time as particle source, a guiding electrode and the anode, which incorporates the drift-tube. The magnetic field is produced by a large current-driven coil and guided by  a highly   permeable cylinder which encloses the whole configuration. The above figure shows the geometry of the gun which consists of hollow cylinders forming the guide for the magnetic field, the drift tube, the emitting cathode and the  focussing cathode. typical construction features used to create the model include lofting, chamfering and blending operations.  The geometric properties of the coils were created  with the aid of  two curves, one for the coil cross-section, the other for the coil sweep path.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Individual Final Project Essay

When it comes to the topic of diversity and what is has taught me I really think of a few things. Diversity has really taught me a lot about myself as well as tolerance to others around me. Really there is nowhere in the world today that diversity is not present or has not had some sort of effect on our society as a whole. All in all I think that diversity really just means being different than others in various ways. I think if the United States never had any instances of diversity we would be a pretty boring and simple society. Many of our great minds of today as well as the past where very unique and diverse individuals. Without any type of diversity we would be exactly alike there would be nothing different about each other. The world would be plain and boring as well. I like to think that without any type of diversity the world would be without any type of color or texture as if we were in a 50’s TV show. We are different in race, gender, age, sexuality, religion and a wh ole lot of other things. There will be certain things that we have in common and some things that we don’t have in common. In order to understand someone I believe you need to get to know them better. You need to understand what makes them happy and what really works their nerves. There are so many cultures out here that we really don’t know anything about. It is good to learn about the different cultures that are out here. By learning from the different cultures we are able to see the things that we do that are in common with our culture and the things that are done differently from us. Some things that we do for fun might be something that they don’t approve of. Nowadays people take certain things for granted while in another culture they enjoy it and not abuse it. There are a lot of different things that I have found out about my race. As I was reading back over some of the chapters I see that â€Å"the marriage of a White person and an African American would have been illegal in 22 other states† back in the 1960’s. (Chapter 1 Racial and Ethnic Groups) That is something that I really did not know and was really shocked to find out as well. I did learn an interesting fact about African Americans however. It was interesting to lear n that not all African Americans were brought over here to the United States as slaves or that they were the only slaves. It is a common mistake made that America had only â€Å"Black† slaves. There were many Europeans sent here as indentured servants. They had to work off the trip to America and also some were sent here because of debts and had to work them off. Irish Immigrants were also thought of as lower than slaves. The Japanese and Chinese were both used as slaves and many lost their live building our railroad system. You also must remember there were Blacks who owned slaves. One of the largest Plantation houses in the South was owned by a Free Black Woman. Not all blacks were slaves it is just the way it has been portrayed in History books. As far as trends in the area of immigration I would have to say I agree with the info in the reading material. After looking over the reading material from Chapter 1 there is a pie chart of the population for the years 2010 and 2050. In the chart the prediction for the U.S. population for 2050 states that there will be more Hispanics than there was in the 2010 chart. There will be a decrease in the White Non-Hispanics and the African Americans stays about the same percentage. Although the United States is heavily populated I say that the Hispanics will have overpopulated many of the other races. The United States really has a lot to deal with in the area of diversity and its people. Discrimination is one of the major challenges that we will face because we can’t seem to get along and treat others like we are supposed to be or want to be treated ourselves. I think that the United States will be a lot better if we could all get along and really have a better understanding of the others around us and those who came before us. Like I stated earlier the United States was built on a premise that we are the ultimate dream and welcome people from all over the world. Hopefully maybe one day that will come true but that remains to be seen today and in the future years as well. Prejudice is another challenge that the United States faces due to the diversity of the people and those set in their ways. Stereotyping is another challenge that we face today as well as the past years as well. These things are in my opinion very much taught and passed down from generation to generation. All three of these challenges are serious and need to be stopped because they are all inappropriate in many ways and just plain mean and spiteful. There are plenty more challenges out here that we face on a day to day basis but we have to start somewhere. When it comes to having a diverse society I think there are really several benefits. There really are so many different benefits that we can have. Being that we are so diverse we will inherit a lot of things such as the different foods that all the different cultures have to offer. Each culture has something different than what the other cultures have. Each individual has something different to offer to our society. Being diverse is something special because we can each learn something new from one another. There are different dances, music; we all celebrate different holidays and a whole bunch of other things. The society that we live in has so much to offer and we are too blind to really see what is happening. At times I think the media does a good job of portraying people wrongly and it teaches us to stereotype them as well. We are so quick to judge others rather than getting to know them based on what we have seen or have heard from others. We really need to do a better job and find the best way to foster a good climate of acceptance for those around us and different than we are. It all starts with simply acting in a good civilized manner at all times. â€Å"Cultural pluralism is a term used when smaller groups within a larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, and their values and practices are accepted by the wider culture.† I think as long as we treat everyone they way that we want to be treated then we would be better off. It is really as simple as that and there is no better way to put it. We mainly need to learn to get along and stop all this bickering in addition to the other altercations that are currently going on in this world. The media can be a great to ol when it comes to teaching about diversity as well as a way to portray people in the wrong sense as well. The media perpetuates stereotyping and prejudice a lot sometimes whether it be on the radio or on the television set as well. An example of stereotyping would be portraying all black males as being in different gangs or some type of hoodlum. In Reality the percentage of blacks that are in gangs is not as high as told. In fact not all young black males are in a gang or even gang affiliated for that matter. Take the Treyvon Martin case for example. The thing was so blown out of proportion due to the fact he was a young black male walking around at night with a hoodie on. The media portrays this as a gang member and to some degree it could be the reason he was killed. The hysteria created simply caused Mr. Zimmerman to overreact thus causing him to shoot this teen and cause outrage in the black community. Usually when the television portrays blacks or even Hispanics for that matter it is usually a story about either murder or. You hardly see them advertise anything about a Caucasian doi ng anything unless it is some sort of celebrity or perhaps some weird random story taking place in Alabama or any of the southern states. You really have to do a search for them because I assume they don’t think it is important. It is so much prejudice going on out here in this world until it really doesn’t make any sense. I wish we could all get alone but sometimes that seems impossible. The media really needs to do a better job of providing a better sense of diversity and how we perceive others. I think that the media should help the viewers to understand that not everything you hear or see is really true. If there was a course for everyone to take to let them know that they need to investigate on what they hear or see. Television stations and radio stations need to start appreciating diversity. Diversity is beautiful and needs to be recognized more often. If it was not for diversity we would be all plain and boring. We as a country really need to do better when it comes to the topic of diversity. I wish that we could all get along and be treated as equals but that is simply not going to happen anytime soon. There are still a lot of prejudiced people out here in this world and sadly not a lot has changed over the years. I have had the displeasure of being around some people that were prejudice and it really makes me sad for them. To think that people are so single minded and set in their ways is pretty sad. I don’t really know how we as individuals and the United States work together to reduce prejudice but we need to start somewhere. I think classes such as cultural diversity are a good way to start but there is no way to make people think outside the box. We need to have more educational television shows that will increase the appreciation for diversity. We also need more television shows that can help us to reduce prejudice because it is a serious subject that needs to be addressed. I think when it comes to changing my ways or my behavior there is a few things I can do. I think that if I change my behavior to be more inclusive and pluralistic I would need to think about certain things before I act on them. By simply putting a little more thought into things can simply create a better outcome. I think that I need to get to know other people in different cultures and learn more about what they do and how they function. By getting to know other people in the other cultures will really help me to understand them rather judging them before actually knowing what they are about.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Are There Blind Spots in Our Eyes?

Are There Blind Spots in Our Eyes? ABSTRACT Our eyes are vital organs because they help us visualize our surroundings. But are our eyes perfect in seeing what’s right in front of us? Sadly I learned in our evolution, nature messed up at one point and gave us blind spots in our eyes. This project shows why we have these blind spots, how to discover them, and how big they are. I researched on how our eyes see things; why when one eye is closed, the other eye sometimes can’t see what’s in front of it. I also found during my research a formula that is used to estimate the size of a human eye’s blind spot.I performed an experiment using Blind Spot Test card I made to verify the existence of blind spots in my eyes. I also collected data while testing to find the size of my blind spot. I learned the size of eyes’ blind spots varies in relation to the size of the human eyes. QUESTION Are there any blind spots in our eyes? If there are, how do we find them, and how big are they? VARIABLES Dependent Variable: Size of the blind spot in our eye Independent Variable: Diameter of the eye Experimental Group Controlled Variables For Each Group Child Test Subject MeAdult Test Subject My Mom HYPOTHESIS If I close one of my eyes, using a test card marked with different symbols then I can find my other eye’s blind spot. Add a ruler/yard stick to take measurements; I can estimate the size of that blind spot too. I think the bigger the human eye, the bigger the blind spot is. BACKGROUND RESEARCH The following diagram shows the anatomy of a human eye (New Translation of Laruelle’s ‘Biography of the Eye’). Our eyes see things when light reflects off the objects goes through the pupil and sends the information to our brains.The eye and brain work together as a group that after the information gets delivered to the brain as electro-chemical signal, it is interpreted, or â€Å"seen†, as images (WebMD). The first layer o f our eye is the cornea. It is made of a clear tissue and protects the eye like a see through glass cover. More importantly, it helps the eye focus on an object while light passes through it. The iris, a colorful part of the eye around the pupil behind the cornea contracts or dilates to control the amount of light that goes into the pupil. The pupil at the center of the iris is an opening that lets the light into the eye (Your Eyes).After light enters the pupil, it passes through the lens behind. The lens functions just like a camera lens so that it focuses the light and beams it onto the retina, the light receptor at the back of the eye. The retina’s surface is flat and smooth, and it acts like a movie screen or the film of a 35mm camera. However, unlike a screen or a film, the retina also has some other features, one of which is the light sensors that detect light. After the retina detects light, it converts the light into electro-chemical signals. These signals then exit t he back of the eye via optical nerves and get sent to the brain for processing (WebMD).There is a little area on the retina where the optical nerves are attached to the eyeball at one end and connects to the brain on the other end. This spot of the retina contains no light sensors. Without light sensors the retina cannot sense light, therefore if light hits that spot, it cannot convert the light into electro-chemical signal and pass the information to the brain to â€Å"see†. This forms a blind spot on the eye. The blind spot however, doesn’t affect our vision because our brain â€Å"ignores† it. Also having a pair of eyes, one eye can back up the other eye’s blind spot so that we have a clear vision most of the time.This is why people usually don’t notice the effects of blind spots (Kingfisher 114). There are ways to test human eye’s blind spot. Scientists also discovered formula to estimate the size of our blind spots. Depending on the siz e of our eyes, we each have unique blind spots. MATERIAL LIST A cardboard card approximately 3 x 5 in (or 8 x 10 cm) in dimension Black Marker to draw symbols on the cardboard card Ruler/Yard Stick A pencil to record the data EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURE Often people use the following experiment (Exploratorium), or its variation to test for blind spots existing in our eyes:Make a test card using the cardboard material. Use a black marker pen to draw a black dot and a cross on the two edges of the card. Make sure the dot and the cross are on the same level. Hold the test card away at an arm’s length and at eye level, while the other hand holds a yardstick just below the left eye. Put the test card on top of the meter stick. Make sure the cross on the test card is on the right hand side. Close your right eye and stare at the cross with your left eye. At this point, you should also be able to see the black dot. Focus on the cross and move the test card towards you by sliding it along the yardstick slowly.At a certain point, the black dot will disappear from your vision. Record the measurement on the meter stick when that happens. Continue to move the test card forward; you’ll notice the black dot will reappear again. You can also test for the other eye by closing your left eye instead. This time you should look directly at the black dot with your right eye, and as you move the test card closer to you, you should notice the cross disappear and reappear again. DATA AND DISCUSSION The following is the formula for finding the size of the blind spot of a human eye: S/m = d/DIn this equation, S is the size of the blind spot on the eye, m is the distance of pupil to retina, estimated by the diameter of the eye, d is the size of the black dot on the test card, and D is the distance from eye to the test card (Exploratorium). Thus, to solve for S, we have: S = d/D * m To perform the experiment, I have two test subjects: my mom and myself. We measured the diameter o f each of our eyes as following: my eye is roughly 2 cm, and my mom’s eye is about 2. 5 cm. Then we stepped through the above-mentioned experimental procedure, and wrote down the data.Experimental Data Black Dot SizeDistance between eye to test card when black dot disappeared Andy Eye diameter = 2 cm0. 25 in ~= 0. 635 cm11. 75 in ~= 29. 845 cm Andy’s Mom Eye diameter = 2. 5 cm 0. 25 in ~= 0. 635 cm13 in ~= 33. 02 cm Based on the data collected, I calculated my blind spot is approximately 0. 0426 cm, or 4. 26 mm in diameter; and my mom’s blind spot is roughly 0. 048 cm, or 4. 8 mm in diameter. Since her eye is slightly larger than mine, her blind spot is a tiny bit bigger than mine as well. I wish I were able to find more test subjects for my experiment.However, I couldn’t find other people to try the experiment. CONCLUSION In conclusion there are blind spots in the eyes and my hypothesis was correct. The experiment shows there is a blind spot in the corne r of our eye because of the optic nerve, and that the size of the blind spot differs from person to person. Our blind spots are an evolutionary defect. Nature was able to correct it by making us have two eyes so we could see clearer and we have a bigger vision field. With that being said we are at the end of my research paper. I hope you enjoyed our little adventure. ACKNOWLEDGMENTI would like to thank my mom, Jane, for being my test subject for my experiment. WORK CITED 1. â€Å"Blind Spot: To see, or not to see†, Exploratorium, http://www. exploratorium. edu/snacks/blind_spot/index. html 2. â€Å"New Translation of Laruelle’s Biography of the Eye†, Fractal Ontology, Nov 21, 2009 http://fractalontology. wordpress. com/2009/11/21/new-translation-of-laruelles-biography-of-the-eye 3. â€Å"The Kingfisher Science Encyclopedia†, Kingfisher Publications, 2006 4. â€Å"Your Eyes†, Kids Health, http://kidshealth. org/kid/htbw/eyes. html 5. â€Å"Your Gui de to How the Eye Sees†, WebMD, http://www. webmd. com/eye-health/amazing-human-eye

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Analyzing the Poem, The Woodcarver, and How it Relates to...

I have entered into the field of education with full knowledge that it can be very challenging but it is my venture to make it gratifying for both my students and myself. A crucial point of â€Å"The Woodcarver† is the ability to focus. Once the woodcarver was finished with his work, all credits were taken from him and given to higher powers. Similarly, once I am able to bring the task at hand to the central point of my concentration, then I am bond to astonish many, including myself. I particularly gain wisdom from the fact that â€Å"The woodcarver† guarded his spirit and did not expend it on trifles that were not to the point. Burning up energy on issues that have nothing to do with the mission at hand is detrimental to success. Like â€Å"The†¦show more content†¦I had to lose self and I went on my knees and pray to God to give me guidance and direction. Most of my days were spent on seeking and finding interesting ways or strategies to reach him. I totally forgot about my friends or even the principal’s criticism, just like the woodcarver and put all my focus on John, the learner. I started from basic and built on what he already knew. We used a lot of repetition and made sure we stayed on task. We worked hard and he graduated reading on a third grade level. When he first came to me, If I were able to have one solitary thought, which was John, and not my peers or elevating myself, time would not have been wasted and maybe he could have excel to reading at least on a fourth grade level. In order to truly liberate the learner in him, it was necessary to go beyond blame, success and my ego. When John came to me, I saw him as hopeless because of how he carried and conducted himself. I saw his deficiencies and ignore his potentialities. â€Å"The Woodcarver† found the hidden potential in the tree and with all his tools in hand was able to create a grand masterpiece that had everyone astonished. We cannot pre judge but we should think of the resources available and how we are going to make these precious woods into bell stands, grand masterpieces ready for society. When I read the first two lines, â€Å"Kling,