Wednesday, May 13, 2020

The Key Departments Of A Business - 1332 Words

The key departments of a business. Introduction The key departments of a business are human resources, finance, operations, production, marketing and sales. These departments need careful research to build strong foundations for a business to grow and thrive on. There are many research sources that can help businesses get a better understanding of what these departments are, what they can do and how they can help the business to grow. The aim of this report is to give valuable information on how to access the resources needed to help with successful research and how to identify sources that are credible as opposed to those sources that are not. For example, there could be two similar looking websites but one is less credible than the other or a book that has not been revised or updated therefor out of date. Method When researching the different departments of business it is a good idea to separate each department into individual functions and research them individually. A Mind Map is a great way of making notes and keeping the mind focused on the chosen department. The Ultimate book of Mind Maps, Tony Buzan (2012:p6) states: â€Å"A Mind Map is the ultimate organizational thinking tool – the Swiss army Knife of the brain! A Mind Map is the easiest way to put information into your brain and to take information out of your brain – it’s a creative and effective means ofShow MoreRelatedThe Key Departments Of The Business1529 Words   |  7 PagesBusinesses have numerous key departments which keep the structure running appropriately and supports the business to build and embellish in all worldwide markets. This report will consider what the key departments do for the business, in addition, this report will enlighten the research procedure used and significant complications which have been encountered throughout. 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